BEST ANSWER: You want to emphasize factors which have prolonged your job search by your own choice.
Example: “After my job was terminated, I made a conscious decision not to jump on the first opportunities to come along. In my life, I’ve found out that you can always turn a negative into a positive IF you try hard enough. This is what I determined to do. I decided to take whatever time I needed to think through what I do best, what I most want to do, where I’d like to do it…and then identify those companies that could offer such an opportunity.”
“Also, in all honesty, you have to factor in the recession (consolidation, stabilization, etc.) in the (banking, financial services, manufacturing, advertising, etc.) industry.”
“So between my being selective and the companies in our industry downsizing, the process has taken time. But in the end, I’m convinced that when I do find the right match, all that careful evaluation from both sides of the desk will have been well worthwhile for both the company that hires me and myself.
Dear Article. In answering the question on why someone has been out of work a long time, there are several reasons. In my case I worked in a bank. I experienced bullying and an aggressive act that brought on shock. I was forced to resign.
Its been many years now and walking out of jobs is like walking out of interviews.
The bank intefered with all my employment efforts. I had no where to turn, no family support, or financial backup. In trying to explain to someone that sometimes i felt like i was being watched, I was told, it may be me. How could it be, when it only happened at certain times.
The word used, is DEFAMATION. A bank can stop an employer from employing a particular worker. There are games played. If you make it to the job, and I made many, games are played. They are as follows;
After being interviewed and told how well you went and that you may have the job, you are later called back and told not to worry about it, because now the company has changed their mind and they are recruiting internally.
If you make it to the job, you are stopped from taking part in courses which would otherwise enable you to become permananent.
You are singled out from the rest of the group, looked down at, as though you are now tresspassing or you are a criminal.
On the phone, you hear it click, like someone else is listening. It doesnt happen all the time, but sometimes. Obviously the reason is to get as much data on a person as possible, just incase it lands in court. Just incase you have a story that will cause them to pay up, because the injuries done to you, should never have been allowed to happen.
Your computer passwords/ or other passes, dont work, and you are denied access.
You are looked at as though you are tresspassing to make you feel uncomfortable.
Your are ignorred, not acknowledged and spoken down to, until you finally get the hint.
Everywhere you go, the bank is there. If it hasnt broken you down by playing emotional, and mental games, that look like they come out of a mafia textbook, they do the next thing. They stop you from working, by telling the new employer, how bad you are.
Or better still, a company freely says how they will never take you back, not realising that those words in themselves are enough, to stop an employer from offering you any kind of work, that will pay for some food.
Why not ask how many people that are presently not working, served a bank previously. Ask them, if they are now on a disability pention, because they are so overcome by whats happened to them.
People whom were originally healthy and with a strong mind, all of a sudden cant even think straight because games being played, which the bank finds vey amusing, have finally taken their toll on an otherwise decent human being.
This time however, the wrong person was picked. I know about emotional games. I know how the mind can be affected. The mind games played. I know, because my father had his life taken from him, by the Mafia. I know how being traumatised, humilated, and then to have mind games played on someone work.
The thing is, because I know, is enough to threatening all of them.
You may want to ask, whick people are out of work, and then ask, which people worked for a bank?
The word used, is DEFAMATION. A bank can stop an employer from employing a particular worker. There are games played. If you make it to the job, and I made many, games are played. They are as follows;
After being interviewed and told how well you went and that you may have the job, you are later called back and told not to worry about it, because now the company has changed their mind and they are recruiting my blog
If you make it to the job, you are stopped from taking part in courses which would otherwise enable you to become permananent.
You do realize that is illegal. You need to report the bank to the proper authorities.
When your working for a bank you’re under surviellance, while on the telephone, and in your cubicle is amolst always buged with a listing device. The people you talk to could be cops hired to monitor your activity along with others.
You’re never alone in a bank or governement office and remember the eye in the sky is always watching the bank has acess to undercover people, a brigade of people would be more like it. Trust knowone that you work with because, they just might not be working for the bank......................... You’ve been told
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